Where Quality Is A Way Of Life!
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About Us
Harvey "Granddad" Yoder and his sons wanted to serve their community by establishing a place where troubled boys could be nurtured. So in 1979, the Yoder family moved to Fair Play, SC and purchased eighty acres to build a boys camp.
The camp began enrolling applicants and by 1981 had become a functioning organization. Once established, the Yoders began to explore various avenues to support the camp and their families. Granddad owned a building supply store in Virginia prior to moving to South Carolina, along with a small pizza shop attached to that store. The Yoder's decided pizza was to be their source of income and commenced renovations on a small shop in Anderson, SC.
However, their direction changed abruptly when the Yoders responded to an advertisement for a pizza oven. Upon discovering the Yoder's background in building supplies, the gentleman selling the pizza oven suggested they open a building supply in Fair Play instead. Granddad's son, Floyd, began the research and discovered that builders in the Fair Play area had to drive 20 minutes or more for supplies! Equipped with his experience in the building industry, Floyd soon began to lay the groundwork for Yoder's Building Services.
In 1986, the Yoder's purchased nine acres at the current location and opened the doors with 4 employees and 1 delivery truck. Their original intentions were for the boys from the camp to help out at the store. But since 40 campers were quickly outgrowing the eighty-acre camp, they were forced to relocate the camp in 1989 to a five hundred acre location in Westminster, SC making it impossible for the campers to help at the store. Granddad was involved with the store, yet his

Floyd and Ellen

Floyd and Ellen
Floyd and Ellen
heart was with the boy's camp. Floyd also has a passion for the boys who find their way to the boy's camp and is eager to see them grow and mature into fine God-fearing men.
In 1990, hurricane Gilbert devastated Jamaica and the Yoder's were led to send building material and supplies for the Jamaican relief effort. In the ensuing years, teams from Yoder's Building Services continued to go to Jamaica. In 2001, Floyd established a board of directors and Jamaica Relief Ministries (JRM) was founded. Floyd actually moved to Jamaica for 15 months while the groundwork was laid for the ministry. The work in Jamaica involves working with orphanages, foster homes, and helping with ministry opportunities in the poorer communities of Jamaica. JRM is now fully staffed in Jamaica with various programs; the Yoders travel frequently to assist in the ministry.
Yoder's Building Services was founded for one purpose: to fund ministries both in the community and around the world. That spirit of service is what continues to drive our success. Our extensive product knowledge, attention to detail, and quality service set us apart from the competition. At Yoder’s "Quality" truly "is a way of life".