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"The Heartbeat" Blog
May 9, 20171 min read
Wisdom vs. Fools
For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers. Proverbs 11:14 Plans are established by seeking advice, so...
Jan 16, 20171 min read
"Your Light"
As I was thinking over the past couple of days, my thoughts went to a quote by Dabo Swinney “Let your light within you shine brighter...
Jul 25, 20162 min read
One Horse Show!
The last few weeks and months have reinforced the idea that a Team is much more effective that a show horse! When folks work together for...
Feb 29, 20161 min read
The Choice should be Easy!
Something that has torn me up over the years is when I see competition in our territory. I have a hard time understanding why those folks...
Feb 15, 20162 min read
I believe IT is a choice we make as people to attain. IT has many different names: Excellence, Balance, Passion, Love for God being a few...
Jul 1, 20151 min read
Top 10 Excuses
Top 10 excuses: Excuses are downward pivot points that limit potential. I forgot. I was busy. It’s not my job. I intended to…. I didn’t...
Feb 3, 20152 min read
100% TEAM
I was at home the other night and I could not shut my brain off and had a vision of what Yoder’s could be like if everyone would have the...
Jan 15, 20151 min read
Intention vs. Action
Despite popular belief, there is absolutely no power in Intention! There is no difference in the person who intends to do things...
Jan 2, 20151 min read
Everybody wants to be on a mountaintop, but if you remember mountaintops are rocky and cold. There is no growth on top of the mountain!...
Dec 15, 20141 min read
Own It!
We expect authors, painters and singers to identify themselves and to sign the work they do. Are you willing to sign your work? If not,...
Nov 17, 20142 min read
Good vs. Great
I was driving to work the other morning thinking about what Good people do versus Great people. Good people generally take the easiest...
Aug 1, 20142 min read
Over The Top!
Have you ever met anyone who was a little Over The Top! I mean they were just a little extreme. Lets see if we can name a few: Dave...
Jun 10, 20141 min read
Players Vs. Pretenders
If you’ve ever led people, you’ve come across followers who would rather act the part than do their part. On the surface, they appear to...
Apr 1, 20142 min read
Growth vs. Coasting
Growth Vs. Coasting How many of you have seen a really successful person or company that took life lackadaisically or just kind of...
Jan 15, 20143 min read
7 Qualities Of Truly Great Leaders
By Dr. Rajeev Kurapati, January 10, 2014 4:12 AM EST The truly great leaders in this world, no matter their field, are champions many...
Dec 2, 20131 min read
Henry James once said, “Attitude is more important than aptitude.” A productive mental attitude implies a strong unfailing conviction...
Nov 1, 20131 min read
Private conversations
We live and work within a blizzard of technology. Ideas and innovation combine to offer daily solutions to our professional and personal...
Oct 15, 20131 min read
10 Steps To Providing “Peace Of Mind”
1. Write down about what gives you peace of mind. 2. Focus on what you appreciate about the people in your life instead of...
Oct 1, 20132 min read
2013 fiscal year is over for Yoder’s. Inventory is done! A new year for Yoder’s has begun! 2014 for Yoder’s is here! The housing market...
Sep 16, 20133 min read
Are You Angry??
What Do To When You Get Angry David Burkus What Michael Jordan can teach us about leadership. When you’re in a bad mood, the bad mood is...
Aug 16, 20133 min read
Peace of Mind!
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about the phrase “Peace of Mind” Do I give people “Peace of Mind”? Now don’t confuse...
Jul 30, 20132 min read
Preaching To Myself!
#1 Productivity: The difference between success and failure is doing things others put off. Protect time with priorities. Some things...
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