There are a couple of things I wanted to let you know. One is back in October I blogged about the cabinet shop expanding (which happened) and the surplus store starting (which looks to be open by the middle of March) and I also blogged about starting a small floor truss manufacturing operation in Westminster. The floor truss operation idea has been shelved as Lee Hunt as negotiated with one of our vendors to make a floor truss that is trimmable on one end at a cost that creates some value for Yoders. That is great!
The other news that I want to share is that so far in February that we are tracking ahead in sales revenue than we were in 2009. That is good news especially considering all the rain we have had and all the foundations that have NOT been able to get in. There is some positive feedback we are getting from our customers that they are getting more leads and landing more real jobs. We are also starting to see some houses start that have been shelved for a year or so.
On another note Chris Yoder has gotten some really good Cd’s that he is making available through Jenie Urso at the receptionist desk. I will tell you that a CD named Power by Francis Chan really inspired me. When I first heard the title I was like I don’t need to hear about power, but I listened to it and the story about Mother Theresa has truly changed my whole outlook on what I expect from God and what he expects from me. I challenge all of you to contact Jenie and get a copy of that specific CD. There will be many more available but that one in particular truly taught me a new truth. hint: if you have an issue with trust -listen to the advise Mother Theresa gave!
Now go sell something!