In spite of:
– The worst economy since the Great Depression, you have kept YBS a successful and healthy business……
– Being in one of the worst industries in the economy, you have kept YBS successful and healthy……
– Big challenges on pricing, you have found a way to make profitable sales…..
– Having to be creative and think “out of the box”, you make it happen without having ever done it before……
– Being located in Fair Play, you have made this a destination…..
– We START selling at least 15 miles away, you deliver the products with excellence…..
– Having a very diversified and complicated business, you continue to keep it as simple as possible….
– Having to operate without any extra staff, you make it happen and happen with excellence…..
– Being told that you can’t, you figure out how we can…..
You are THE DREAM TEAM! Thanks for all that YOU do!
Chris Yoder