Independence Day is a great day for our country! I am always reminded of the great sacrifices our countries forefathers had to make and the sacrifices that our young people had to make and are making on the front lines of war to keep our country free.
Our Country seems to be in trouble morally, economically, and our liberties are being taken away. What is kinda ironic is that what got us to this place is the opposite of what our country was founded on. For the past many years, our leaders have used their positions of power to benefit themselves personally or push their agendas that were/are not a benefit for the whole of the country. We need our leaders to step up and lead like our forefathers led. We need leaders that will lead with principle and integrity no matter what it cost them personally. Our country has been blessed for many years, but we are walking down a path that God cannot turn his back on. It starts with leading our families, making a difference in our communities and influencing what we have influence on. God bless the USA!
The SCR4L was awesome this year. We rode our bicycles approximately 300 miles over a period of 3 days this year to raise money for the Foothills Crisis Pregnancy Center. Last year we raised over 36k for the center. I have not heard the totals yet for this year but I am sure it is up there. If you are looking for a way to get involved in your community, The Pregnancy Center is a great way to help young girls that find themselves in a tough situation. These mothers and fathers often need to learn how to take care of their baby as well as other life skills. There are 2 websites that you need to look at are and .
Leaving today to hike 35 miles on the Appalachian Trail. I had to put on hold our 10 day hike as I had a meeting I needed to be back for. Hopefully we can put in our long hike in August sometime.
Labor Day is coming up. I NEED your suggestions about a 1 day cash and carry sale. Big discounts! How do we make it fun and exciting??? We would probably hold it on a Saturday.
Thought: Pray for your Leaders!